The Lovely Chica

Madly In Love with Mad Hippie Skincare

Why I'm in love with Mad Hippie Skincare

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All photographs are in collaboration with Christina Sanchez Photography


I tried the Mad Hippie Cream Cleanser, Vitamin A Serum and Vitamin C Serum for a month and I have to say I loved it! Mad Hippie is free from Parabens, synthetic fragrance, PEGs, SLS and other nasty additives aren’t necessary for our skin. They are also against animal cruelty so all their products aren’t tested on animals.

I was a little leery about trying a cream cleanser because I already have oily skin so I kept thinking it would make my skin more oily than it already is. It actually was really gentle on my skin and I obviously worried for no reason, didn’t make it make my skin more oily or break out and I continue to use it and love the gentleness that it brings to my skin and hydrated while removing impurities.

I do use a Vitamin C Serum  already that I have been using for over a year and I love the way it works. So when I received Mad Hippie’s Vitamin C Serum I was all for it! I have loved the one I was already using but I couldn’t wait to try Mad Hippies and it definitely did not disappoint and didn’t make my skin over react and I swear, every time I use it the next day I feel like a new person! My skin is much brighter and I think it’s a wonder serum.

I also tried their new Vitamin A Serum which I was super excited to try. The formula works to exfoliate the skin, improving the appearance of sun damaged, aging skin and also known to soften wrinkles and fade brown spots which I do not have so I cannot complain but I always say it’s better to take care of your skin now than later. I use the serum about twice a week since it says it may make your skin sun sensitive.

Cannot wait to try their other products like their eye cream, exfoliating serum, facial spf 30+, hydrating facial mist

Loved trying Mad Hippies natural skincare products that are clean + cruelty free and every $1 of their website sales are dedicated to conservation. All their products can be purchased at your local Ulta Stores

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